Cloud and Networking Infrastructure (CNI)

Entry points, 1st year, Common Courses

Academic year 2024/2025

Aalto University (Aalto)

Programme Website 

Academic Coordinator: Jukka Manner,


Common Core (10 ECTS) ECTS
Internet Protocols 5
Mobile Cloud Computing 5
Compulsory Courses (6 ECTS)  
Language course: Compulsory degree requirement, both oral and written requirements 3
Academic skills in master's studies 3

Electives (20 ECTS)

Wireless Systems 5
Internet Traffic Measurements and Analysis 5
Routing and SDN 5
Laboratory Course in Internet Technologies 5
Communication Theory 5
Cybersecurity 5
Internet Forum 5
Machine Learning for Mobile and Pervasive Systems 5
Mobile Communication Systems 5
Modelling and Simulation 5
Network Service Provisioning 5
Operator Business 5
Patterns in Communications Ecosystems 5
Performance Analysis 5
Information Security 5
Operating Systems 5
Web Software 5
Machine Learning: Basic Principles 5
Concurrent Programming 5
Applications and Services in Internet 5
Multimedia Services in Intranet 5
Network Security 5
Mobile Systems Security 5
Design of WWW Service 5
Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining 5
Big Data Platforms 5
Artificial Intelligence 5
Information Visualization 5
User Interface Construction 5
Social Media 5

University of Rennes

Programme Website

Academic Coordinator: Cédric Tedeschi,


Common Core (10 ECTS) ECTS
Networks from Services to Protocols 5
Big Data Storage and Processing Infrastructures 5
Compulsory Courses (20 ECTS)  
Operating Systems 5
Distributed Systems 5
Service Technologies 5
Object-oriented Software Design 5
Elective Courses (10 ECTS)  
Modeling for Performance Evaluation and Safety Analysis 5
Parallel Programming 5
Operating Systems - Kernel Implementation 5
Combinatorial Optimisation and Related Algorithms 5

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Programme Website

Academic Coordinator: Viktoria Fodor,


Common Core (15 ECTS) ECTS
Advanced Internetworking 7.5
Data-Intensive Computing 7.5
Compulsory Course (7.5 ECTS)  
Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 7.5
Elective Courses (15 ECTS)  
Queuing Theory and Teletraffic Systems 7.5
Distributed Systems, Advance Course 7.5
Wireless Networks 7.5
Data Mining, Basic Course 7.5

Trento University

Programme Website

Academic Coordinator: Fabrizio Granelli,


Common Core (6 ECTS) ECTS
Next Generation Networks 6
Fog and Could Computing 6
Compulsory Courses (18 ECTS)  
Network Modelling and Design 9
Softwarised and Virtualised Mobile Networks 9
Elective Courses (6 ECTS)  
Free Choice 6

Exit points, 2nd year, Specialisation

Academic year 2025/2026

Aalto University (Aalto)

Programme Website

Academic Coordinator: Jukka Manner,

SPECIALISATION: Mobile Networking, Sustainability and Cloud Services

The courses cover the theoretical and practical aspects of designing and analyzing mobile networks and cloud services. In the Master’s thesis project, the students can focus on problems arising from the thematic research projects in the Helsinki node of EIT Digital.


Compulsory Courses (15 ECTS) ECTS
Master’s Thesis Process 2
Language course: Compulsory degree requirement, both oral and written requirements 3
Select at least 10 ECTS from below  
Internet Traffic Measurements and Analysis 5
Routing and SDN 5
Web Software Development 5
Big Data Platforms 5
Electives (10 ECTS)  
Wireless Systems 5
Internet Traffic Measurements and Analysis 5
Routing and SDN 5
Laboratory Course in Internet Technologies 5
Communication Theory 5
Cybersecurity 5
Internet Forum 5
Machine Learning for Mobile and Pervasive Systems 5
Mobile Communication Systems 5
Modelling and Simulation 5
Network Service Provisioning 5
Operator Business 5
Patterns in Communications Ecosystems 5
Performance Analysis 5
Information Security 5
Operating Systems 5
Web Software 5
Machine Learning: Basic Principles 5
Concurrent Programming 5
Applications and Services in Internet 5
Multimedia Services in Intranet 5
Network Security 5
Mobile Systems Security 5
Design of WWW Service 5
Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining 5
Big Data Platforms 5
Artificial Intelligence 5
Information Visualization 5
User Interface Construction 5
Social Media 5


Jukka Manner received his MSc. (1999) and PhD. (2004) degrees in computer science from the University of Helsinki. He has been a full professor (tenured) of networking technology at Aalto University, Department of Communications and Networking (Comnet) since 2008. His research and teaching focuses on networking, software and distributed systems, with a strong focus on wireless and mobile networks, transport protocols, energy efficient ICT and cyber security. He has contributed to standardization of Internet technologies in the IETF since 1999.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Programme Website

Academic Coordinator: Viktoria Fodor,

SPECIALISATION: Networked Intelligence

KTH offers courses in the area of data intensive distributed computing, covering both the design of network infrastructures that can support these emerging applications, and the design of the distributed computing applications itself, focusing on scalable machine learning and on distributed artificial intelligence.


Compulsory courses (7.5 ECTS) ECTS
Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 7.5
Elective courses (16.5 ECTS)  

Modern Methods in Software Engineering

Distributed AI and Intelligent Agents 7.5

Stream Processing and Data Mining

Scalable Machine Learning and Deep Learning 7.5
Network Analytics 7.5
Network Programming with Java 7.5
Networked Systems Security 7.5
Programming Web Services 7.5
Seminars in Information and Network Engineering 3


Viktoria Fodor received her MSc and PhD degrees in computer engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In 1999 she joined KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, where she now acts as assistant professor in the Laboratory for Communication Networks and coordinator of the local EIT Digital Master School programme ITA. Over the years she supervised several master thesis projects and 2 PhD theses. She participated in several European and Swedish research projects. Her current research interests include multimedia and peer-to-peer communication, sensor network and cognitive radio network protocol design and performance analysis.

University of Rennes

Programme Website

Programme Lead: Cédric Tedeschi,

SPECIALISATION: Smart City Services

Cloud/Fog computing and 5G networking technology convergence enables the design of innovative services and applications which aim to improve operational efficiency and urban citizen’s quality of life. This specialisation focuses on enabling technologies to build, operate and manage massively distributed heterogeneous resources in the broad domain of smart city services and applications. Students will also learn about the fundamental properties of autonomic systems and how to adapt applications according to dynamic changes in data and system load.

This specialisation is given in close connection with the INRIA/IRISA research lab (the largest IT research lab in France) which hosts several internationally reputed research teams (ACES, ASAP, KERDATA, MYRIADS, STACK) representing about 60 researchers focusing their work on various aspects of cloud computing, fog computing, networking infrastructures and smart city services.


Compulsory Courses (16 ECTS) ECTS
Smart City Services: From infrastructure to applications 4
Advanced Cloud Infrastructures 4
Scalable Network Infrastructures for Optimized Service Delivery 4
Personal Project on Cloud and Network Infrastructure 4
Elective Courses (8 ECTS)  
Multimedia Networks 4
Advanced Wireless Networks: 5G and Beyond 4
Data Mining and Visualization 4


Cédric Tedeschi is the local coordinator of the CNI Master programme at the University of Rennes 1. He holds a PhD from the University of Lyon, and has spent one year as a post-doctoral fellow at Inria (Sophia-Antipolis Mediterranee), before joining the University of Rennes. He is a member of the IRISA computing lab. His research interests revolves around distributed computing. Recently, he has contributed to decentralizing Cloud infrastructures and Stream processing.

University of Trento (UNITN)

Programme Website

Academic Coordinator: Fabrizio Granelli,

Students enrolled at the University of Trento as entry point will have access to a limited number of grants for the year spent in Trento.

SPECIALISATION: Beyond 5G/6G and High Performance Computing

UNITN will offer a specialisation in 5G and beyond 5G. Indeed, 5G is expected to bring unprecedented improvements and advances to the cellular networks that we use today. Moreover, they will offer the infrastructure for the deployment of several novel emerging applications and services, including Internet of Things, Vehicular Communications, Tactile Internet, machine-to-machine communications, smart grid. The student attending this specialisation will be exposed to the most recent advances in communication protocols and devices, network virtualisation and control, softwarisation and service provisioning.


Compulsory Courses (12 ECTS) ECTS
Research Project 12
Project course on Beyond 5G 6
Elective Courses (6 ECTS)  
Next Generation Networks 6
High Performance Computing for Data Science 6
Simulation and Performance Evaluation 6
Network Security 6
Other electives to be agreed with the course local coordinator  


Fabrizio Granelli is a full professor at the Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of the University of Trento (Italy) and Director of Online Content at IEEE Communications Society. He was IEEE ComSoc distinguished lecturer in 2012-15 and Delegate for Education of DISI in 2015-17. His main research activities are in the field of networking, with particular reference to wireless networks (performance optimization, ad-hoc networks modeling), cognitive networks/radios, cross-layer design and green networking. He is the author of more than 200 papers, guest-editor in relevant international journals (ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal, ACM TOMACS, JSAC, IEEE Communications Magazine) and visiting professor at the State University of Campinas and at The University of Tokyo. He is the former Chair of the IEEE Communication Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee and he was chair or co-chair of several top-level international events, like IEEE Globecom Symposium TPC Co-Chair on "Performance Modeling, QoS and Reliability" from 2007 to 2009 and in 2012.

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Co-Funded by the European Union